Achieve the Extraordinary

Even as a Mom

5 min readOct 18, 2020
Photo by Neora Aylon on Unsplash

I did 5 tandems skydives over a period of 5 spread out years before I made the giant mental leap to accept the ludicrous idea of becoming a licensed skydiver.

It was only after my last tandem instructor asked with sincere confusion, “Instead of spending the money for all these tandem jumps, why don’t you become a licensed skydiver?”

My response was to laugh since I thought he was joking. His expression didn’t change. I realized he was serious.


I responded, “Well, because moms don’t become skydivers,” as if that was a reasonable answer.

I tried to shake the suggestion off, but for many days the instructor’s question echoed in my brain. And I kept answering it, “Yeah, why don’t I?”

There were the typical true responses that I tried out. Like, “we can’t afford it”, “don’t have time”, “the drop zone is too far away”, and “my husband won’t approve”.

But I recognized all those as simple excuses. There wasn’t a single reason that couldn’t be overcome if I just set my mind to it.

The truth was, that I wanted it. I not only wanted to jump out of a plane again to repeat the incomparable joy that is flight, but I also wanted to be part of that beautiful skydive family I had…




A lover of stories — an observer and an active participant, I seek to live fully in beautiful moments.